Overall planning
- General CERN Injectors planning available on EDMS CERN-0000174579
- Tentative CLEAR Planning in 2024:
- DSO tests : 23/02/2024
- Beam Commissioning : ~26/02/2024 - ~08/03/2024
- Beam for Users: 11/03/2024 - 13/12/2024
- For more information or general requests please contact us!
Detailed CLEAR beam calendar:
This calendar contains the newest information about beam time blocks, as well as information about accesses etc. on a best-effort basis. You can also import it into your favorite calendaring tool using the iCal address https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/clearbeamcalendar%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
For access to modifying the calendar, please contact Kyrre Sjobak or Pierre Korysko